More than three decades, Sebelas Maret University has been one of the most prestigious universities in Indonesia. We offer a wide range of facilities and infrastructures. All of them are completely available. The development of studies, human resources as well as supportive units and institutions has also given a significant contribution to our progress.
The success of our development can be seen from the progress of graduates quality that is signed by the progress of our students’ Grade Point Achievement (GPA), Education Efficiency Score (AEE), cum laude-predicate graduates, and shorter students’ course of study. That’s why a large number of UNS alumni have got good job positions in all kinds of work places in Indonesia. In research, achievements for competitive granted research funding are also increasing. We also cooperate with many institutions both domestic and overseas. The result of that cooperation has also given a significant contribution to our development.
Because of things mentioned above are not enough, our future development is aimed to produce world class people. The main policy is done by truly applying New Paradigm of High Education Management, i.e. quality guarantee, autonomy, accountability, accreditation, and continuity of work evaluation. We make every effort to apply a cooperated management in every unit, in order to achieve the evenly development and success. It is hoped that the cooperation will be tied in cohesiveness.
To hold a qualified education program, we are supported by more than 1,600 lecturers, 4% of them are professors and 72.9% of them have master degree background and doctoral degree background. We are also supported by approximately 900 professional administration staffs. All of those human resources become a valuable asset to move our wheel of organization in giving shape of the vision, the mission, and the goal of UNS.
Now, we have nine faculties and one Postgraduate Program. We offer more than 151 studies program including Diploma Program, Undergraduate Program, Postgraduate Program, Profession Program, Specialist Medicine Program and Doctoral Program. All supported by enough facilities such as an officially registered laboratory, a language laboratory with Self Access Center and a computerized and modern information technology-based library, which offers teleconference and web-based learning. The total number of our students is 27,500 students. And the total number of our alumni reaches over 85,000 who had got good job positions in all kinds of work places in Indonesia.
We keep trying to improve not only teaching quality as the implementation of the second and the third University’s Tri Dharma but also corporate social responsibility and research product quality. These efforts had given good results. This year we were successful in winning 40% of 209 competitive research proposals. Besides that, we succeeded in gaining research fund given by Education Ministry of Central Java. To increase the corporate social responsibility and research quality, a wide range of efforts are kept doing by our Corporate Social Responsibility and Research Institution (LPPM). LPPM is supported by 16 studies centers.
Ok, thanks Ruth